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MBE Spotlight: Mid-America Contractors and Gilbreath Communications

Published Nov 14, 2023 by Clint Pasche

OHT Suppliers Diversity

A core focus of the Greater Houston Partnership’s One Houston Together initiative is to enhance supplier diversity within the Houston region. This work is advanced through quarterly Supplier Diversity Roundtables along with a bi-annual convening of chief purchasing officers within the Partnership’s membership. 

Key pathways for removing barriers between minority business enterprises (MBEs) and corporate purchasers are to amplify the work and profile of MBEs and increase introductions and networking between buyers and these companies.

Beginning this month at each Supplier Diversity Roundtable, the Partnership will showcase two Houston-region businesses, allowing them to present to Partnership members.

Mid-America Contractors and Gilbreath Communications were the two companies highlighted during the November 2023 roundtable.

Mid-America Contractors (MAC), Elizabeth Cravens, Owner & 首席执行官

headshot of Elizabeth Cravens

Mid-America Contractors (MAC) is a woman-owned industrial services provider for midstream and downstream operations across Southeast Texas and the U.S. 墨西哥湾沿岸.

Founded in 2004 by Elizabeth Cravens with a yearly revenue of $10-20 million, the company’s extensive service offerings include build design, 屋面, civil services, mechanical services, 管道, maintenance/janitorial, 和更多的. The company is also venturing into the storage tank industry. MAC operates in Texas, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 田纳西州, 密苏里州, 佛罗里达, and Utah and works with major clients including Motiva, 瓦莱罗皇冠HGA010官方下载, 壳牌, 墨西哥石油公司, Total and Exxon Mobil to deliver cost-effective, timely solutions.

重要的是, safety isn’t just a priority, it’s a core value, and the firm has a leading safety record in Southeast Texas. 

The company believes in the power of relationships with their company, and Craven takes great pride in getting to know her customers as well as their community through MAC’s social responsibility strategy. 

View the company's 演讲.

Gilbreath Communications, Audrey Gilbreath, President & 首席执行官

Headshot of Audrey Gilbreath

Gilbreath Communications Inc. is an award-winning full-service integrated marketing communications firm located in Houston.  The firm’s founder and namesake, Audrey Gilbreath, is the first African American and woman to be inducted into the American Advertising Federation Southwest Advertising Hall of Fame. 

With 34 years of experience interacting with general and multicultural markets, the company designs marketing and communications solutions that help launch and transform brands, grow businesses and engage audiences throughout Houston, the State of Texas and the United States.

From the simple to the complex, the Gilbreath Communications team has the knowledge and expertise to support in the development and execution of creative services and communications, public relations, and digital and social media programs; and, on a project-by-project basis for other support service areas, including strategic communications planning and event marketing.

Clients include HEB, Metro, NFL, NRG, and 壳牌. The firm offers clients an invaluable knowledge and understanding of competitive landscape and desired target markets locally, 区域, and nationally, with an intentional sensitivity and respect for diverse the markets the company serves.

View the company's 演讲.

Learn more about the Partnership's One Houston Together initiative.

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